FT View SE - Scaling Tags in Parameter Files

Join Date
Apr 2021
Hello all

I am using parameter files in FT View SE (Version 12) so PLCs can share the same HMI displays. I have successfully shared the displays using the # placeholders. However, I noticed that the tags from the PLC were originally scaled in the HMI tags in FT View SE e.g. 9250 was scaled to 9.25. But when the tags are used in the parameter file there is no scaling taking place.

Does anyone know if there is away of scaling tags within the parameter files?

I have looked all over the internet and haven't see a way to do this.

Many thanks in advance
In your HMI element that displays it you should be able to have it scale. If I recall it was on the connections for the numerical display object. You'd run the scale math against the reference for the parameter. "Parameter421 * .027"

I hate people who scale inside HMIs. SCALE IN THE PLC ALWAYS.
Its really far far easier on everyone if you have temp scales, motor loading scales, pressure scales, etc all scaled to a human readable number in your logic. Pressure alarm at 200PSI vs a pressure alarm at 13871.
Parameters simply pass the value to your destination. It does not pass descriptions, min/max settings, or scaling. Only the value.

You can either scale the value in the PLC before sending it, or scale the specific HMI element. As Nova5 mentions, it is preferred to do the scaling in the PLC instead of the HMI. Consider these scenarios:

  • You displayed that value on two separate displays. On one you scaled the HMI element, but on the other you didn't. Two displays could show two completely different values for the same tag.
  • When you look in the PLC software to view the tag data you see one value, but the HMI is displaying an entirely different value.
  • Two different HMIs looking at the same tag in the PLC and show different values.
All these could lead to troubleshooting headaches. Scale in the PLC whenever possible.

Usually when I use parameters (either as a file with Display /F or as a tag with Display /T), I merely reference the base Tag name.

Then, whenever I need to use a sub-element of that tag ("Valve.Description" (note the dot) or a related tag "Valve_Open" (underscore, thus a different tag). I have the link as #1.Description or #1_Open.

This saves a lot of mapping and building of hard-to-maintain parameter files. For multiple identical systems, I may even code things as [#1]#2 (unsure about the exact syntax, it's been a while and my memory isn't what I think I remember it being) so that #1 can be PLC1 or PLC2, and #2 can be a more specific tag.

It sounds like you are linking #1 = [PLC]Tag (pointing to the topic of the PLC and getting the raw value) instead of #1 = Tag (pointing to the SE tag database, which will define is own TAG as [PLC]Tag. That would cause your scaling loss.

Amen, all logic should happen in the PLCs and HMIs should just allow simple functions (honestly I don't even like using multistate in the HMIs because if you add more HMIs now you have a cluster).

If all logic is in the PLC, you can scale up and add scada without much effort.

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